Saturday, April 9, 2016

Becoming a successful flirt

Becoming a successful flirt requires you to understand how members of the opposite sex think. What makes them feel attracted to you as you are flirting with them? Being a successful flirt will require you to feel confident and relaxed at what you are doing. It‘s no good trying to flirt with somebody if you are feeling shy and nervous this will be shown to your flirt subject and they may be put off. Your flirt subject must feel relaxed and happy to be with you, the telling of jokes is a good start to making them feel relaxed.

flirting may be started by paying them compliments to how they look, how they dress, the way they smell, make them feel comfortable with what you are doing and saying. Tell them how they make you feel to be in the same company as them. Listen to what they are saying don’t be to overpowering and do all the talking yourself, they may see this as being rude and obnoxious and be put off.

A successful flirt will know the signs that are being given off by their flirt subject. Are they warming to my flirting advances by the signals they are showing?  Are they getting closer to me, do they touch safe parts of my body, do they smile frequently are they touching parts of their body in a sexual way. All these signs will show that you are being successful in your flirting.

Above all make your flirt subject feel good about their self, by you making them feel good may lead them to flirt back with you, and with them flirting back with you will tell you that you are flirting successfully.


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