Thursday, April 21, 2016

Dating Tips for Men Landing a First Date

For many men, the idea of asking a woman out is nothing short of terrifying. It can make even the bravest men nervous. There is no reason getting a date should be stressful, though. 

Here is how to make it happen.

1.      Remember that women are not from a different planet. Some men approach women like they are from Venus, while men are from Mars. If you want to improve your dating game, toss that divisive mentality aside. When you talk to a woman, you are not talking to the equivalent of an alien. There may be differences between the two of you, as is the case with any person you talk to you, but there are also bound to be a number of similarities. Focus on what you share, not what separates you.

2.     Stop stressing about rejection. Dating is a process. For most people, finding the right person takes hundreds, even thousands, of dates. Incompatibilities arise, life factors force people to take different paths, and feelings change. The sooner you make peace with the fact things might go differently than you originally planned, the better your experience with dating is likely to be.

3.      Get on her radar. Some men are suave and lucky enough to approach a woman out of the blue and get a date out of it, but most women would be pretty stunned by someone so forward. If you are interested in a woman who you see fairly regularly, it is better to get on her radar first. Pay her extra attention, but dont get stuck in a faux-boyfriend role, either. Eventually, check her marital status by asking a question about her husband or boyfriend. Shell get what youre hinting at.

4.      Learn her interests. If you have paid more attention to her than others, fished out her single status, and she still seems warm to you, chances are she is at least somewhat interested. Now it is time to learn about her interests. You will be able to use this information when you ask her out. You have to be careful not to stay in this stage for too long. The longer you act like a platonic friend, the more likely it is that she will only view you that way.

5.      Just do it – ask her out. If the woman you are interested in seems to enjoy your company and is openly available, ask her out. Ask over the phone or, better still, ask her in person. Avoid text messages and e-mail, since most people find them to be impersonal. Keep your question short and simple. Suggest that the two of you do something that you know she would like based on the conversations you held earlier about her interests. Offer a specific time and date. If you leave the question open-ended, you will only have to reinitiate the question sometime in the future.

One of the worst things you can do in the dating game is to anguish over circumstances that are not in your control. With dating, you cannot control another person’s feelings. What you can do, however, is make sure the woman you are attracted to feels comfortable around you and that she is single. If both those things apply, go for it. Ask her out.  

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