if i want my ex back should i ignore him
If my ex text me and i really want to win him back should i ignore his message or what should i text him back and how long should i take to respond?. Actually i do think it is wise for you to ignore his messages. he's already told you he isn't in love with you anymore and doesn't see a future together.. I do want him back, but i will never know if he wants me back because i feel like he never will tell me since he has the biggest pride i know or maybe he doesn't even.

This site might help you. re: will ignoring my ex boyfriend make him want me back? my boyfriend broke up with me a little over a week ago. we are both 18.. Aside from ex boyfriend thinks i’m crazy terminologies. in this case there are occasions when i should use ex boyfriend threatening new boyfriend threatening new. No contact: should i ignore my ex? november 21, 2012 / 191 comments / in breakups / by jessica raymond. often times, your ex knows that you want him or her back..